A new class of workers are entering the workforce and changing the way we work. These “post-formal” actors need support in building the skills they need to succeed. Organizations need support in getting to know the challenges and rewards of attracting post-formal workers in teams as well as in positions of leadership.
In a world of increasing access to data, knowledge, resources, collaborative enterprise, and technological innovation, there will always be some people tracking data sets that managers don’t see, some people tossing around ideas that others think are impossible, some people playing around in creative spaces that catalyze imaginative thinking, some people experimenting with their friends in a co-working studio or a backyard garage…
Eventually what was invisible and impossible becomes obvious and inevitable.
Focus on Solutions:
Action protocols for solving wicked problems
Starting May 1, 2022
Become a member
- Free access to microlearning courses - discounts on multiday workshops - exclusive access to premium content - community slack channel
Choose what works best for you
Learn at your own pace
Pre-recorded presentations, discussion audio, and written content covering all the Concentrator Codes. Micro-learning designed for self-study.
Join a cohort
Multi-day live online presentations and break-out sessions, recordings, slide deck, and course materials. Designed for professional development.
Team problem solving
Solution-focused workshops designed for boosting team performance. One and two-day workshops, live sessions, recordings and workbook.
Our Micro Courses
Solo Trekking
Designed for Self-learners
Learn from new content every month to build your awareness of practices that are emerging in the workplace as people experiment with novel ways of working together. Integrate theory with case studies and real-life stories about people who are questioning the relevance of the old organizational structures and management policies in the face of 21st century challenges.
Deep Code & Micro-learning
Self-paced courses are based on deep codes that reveal how unexamined assumptions distort our ability to see more clearly, evaluate more accurately, and stay focused on what matters most. Each codes is taught through a micro-learning course which includes a set of short content videos, and a group discussion. You also receive educational texts, links to resources, and worksheets to build on your own.
Live On-Line Follow-ups
When you purchase a micro-course, you gain access to a live on-line discussion where you can join the conversation with us an other self-learner’s like you to reveal more about how the code reveals itself in different contexts and through different perspectives.
Our Cohort Program
Cohort Basecamp
Learning-by Doing Lab
Immerse yourself in a cohort experience that will expose you to new perspectives from people all around the world. By sharing your own experience you help others get a larger view of the picture, while also getting to understand your own situation better. through the eyes of other people. Learn how to openly discuss sensitive issues and how better to deliver constructive feedback so everyone grows through mutual participation.
Broaden Your Range
Take on challenges to solve with others, around issues that matter most. Broaden your range of responses, and increase your capacity to think outside the box. Learn how to experiment and succeed with a playful curious and playful attitude that brings out the best in people. Through hands-on exercises and facilitated conversations, cohort experience broaden the range of what you are willing to take on, where you are willing to go, and when you say “yes” to novel situations.
Stay Connected
Cohort experiences are transformational, and lead to life-long friendships. Stay in touch and meet new friends through our cohort membership program.
Our Team Summit Process
Team Summits
Solution-Focused Workshops
Treat your team to a workout with us. We will help you reboot and redirect your energies so you can focus on what matters most. Our team summits are designed around “sticky widgets” — habits that plague your relationships and lead to poor performance.
Real-world Problems
We customize each team summit to address the particular set of problems each team is dealing with. We help you discover underlying patterns that are holding you back, and give you new tools to identify the multiple contexts that can frame the problem situation. Become more confident with shedding off what doesn’t work, and experimenting with novel practices. Become more fluid in your roles and deepen your commitment to goals.
On-going Support
We offer on-going support and training for teams. and team members. on a trimester (4-month) basis. Opt-out or renew at any time. We are here to help your team reach the top.
C-LABS for Communities
Helping people grow better, together
Deepen Connection
Human connection is the core value at the heart of community-based organizations. They operate in unique contexts where self-organization and ground-up initiatives are key to creating a vibrant organization and continuously regenerating the energies needed to pursue their goals. Understanding the deep code in human systems can help leaders build capacities at the individual and collective levels to deepen connection.
Empower Participation
Our C-LABS approach helps communities organize “mini-labs” at local scales where real impact can emerge. Here skills such as transparent dialogue and shared leadership can build an environment of mutuality, where the choices made and actions taken benefit the individual as well as serving the greater good.
Safe-to-Scale Campaigns
Social-benefit, non-profits and community-based organizations often face precarious situations on a daily basis. The big challenge here is
“How is it possible to grow, increase reach and scale impact, when each day is already precarious?”
We provide community-wide training in our “Safe-to-Scale methodology so that you can roll out a scaling campaign without undue risk. Through focused, iterative practices we help you increase participation and grow organically.
Pivot Point
A chance to reset to bring about a better world
We are at a pivot point— the world is changing quickly, for better or worse. Together we have an opportunity to use this moment in time as a chance to reset and create a brighter world."
~ Deloitte Global Trends Report 2020 ~
“The next generation is committed to creating a better and brighter future on the other side of crisis. Organizations are often more responsive and effective than institutions. Now is the time for leaders to take up the challenge to build a more equitable and sustainable world.” ~ Bonnitta Roy
Calling All
Change Wizards
Donate to our wizards fund
Our Wizards fund program provides qualifying community-based, non-profit organizations with resources to increase their impact.
The donations we receive are used to provide open access membership to leaders who are already doing extraordinary work in the communities they serve. Our goal is to scale community-based efforts that steer the world toward preferred futures by creating a vibrant network of peer-learning labs, and hosting open access conferences to bring the skills and tools of change to the world.
Become a member of the Wizards — an advanced learning lab exclusive to our funders.
A donation of $ 5000 or more gives you exclusive access to other donors like yourself. We host quarterly, live, on-line discussion groups which deepen inquiry with other engaged thinkers and change wizards.
Our goal is to build an educated and informed global citizen network for deepening human connection and working together to build a better world.
We believe that the most powerful problem-solving system is a group of people sharing deep connection, and building skills for participatory inquiry. Therefore, we help people create C-LABS that target mission-critical questions in our world today.