Send in your questions beforehand and we’ll answer them live!
What are post-formal actors? Read the article here.
In a world of increasing access to data, knowledge, resources, collaborative enterprise, and technological innovation, there will always be some people tracking data sets that managers don’t see, some people tossing around ideas that others think are impossible, some people playing around in creative spaces that catalyze imaginative thinking, some people experimenting with their friends in a co-working studio or a backyard garage… Eventually what was invisible and impossible becomes obvious and inevitable.
~ Bonnitta Roy Our Future at Work
A new class of workers are entering the workforce and changing the way we work. These “post-formal” actors need support in building the skills they need to succeed. Organizations need support in getting to know the challenges and rewards of attracting post-formal workers in teams as well as in positions of leadership.
Join us to talk about what this means for you and the future of work. I
Work on your case
Bring your wicked problems with you and learn how to apply the action protocols that will solve them. This 12- week online workshop includes course content, video recordings, dedicated discussion channel, workbook and assessments. Plus you get one year of membership for free.
Your problems solved, your questions answered.
This course works with the issues you are experiencing and the questions you need answered.
You will practice collaborative skills by joining a team of three to work on exercises together and share observations and reflections.
Become better at asking powerful questions
Learn how to detect key cues in the way people are constructing the problem situation
Use our self-assessment tools to track your progress and grade your results
Tackle Wicked Problems
A powerful experience that integrates three methods of post-formal learning:
Gendlin’s TOE (thinking at the edge) approach which exposes instances of itself— individual behaviors that mirror the challenge at the very heart of the problem situation the person is trying to solve
Heifetz’ Case in Point training that leverages group dynamics to reveal adaptive solutions to the complex challenges they are tackling
Torbert’s Action-Inquiry which focuses on building generative relationships in order to attain higher levels of collective intelligence
Protocol thinking
We take you further. It’s only when you include protocol thinking to the mix do you start to see surprising results. Protocol thinking reveals key choice points that lead to actions that resolve the problem into clear tasks and objectives. Protocol thinking is at the heart of our training. It is the core capacity for making sense of complexity.
Weeks 1-4
Starting from clarity
Learn how to engage in simple, powerful questions that lead to clarity around what is actually happening in the problem situation.
So often we describe the situation we are facing in overly complex terms,. Often times wicked problems arise from the complexification of fundamental errors in the same way that complex systems emerge from simple protocols.
When a team is looking at a complex problem, the situation quickly gets out of hand, as each individual adds more and more relationships between the elements. We begin to build complex maps of the relationships and create elaborate theories of causation. As a result, meaningful action gets stifled.
Weeks 5-8
Thinking with protocols
Problems often accrue complexity in an ad-hoc manner in much the same way that software code gets unruly over time.
Refactoring here means decoupling dependencies that are not essential, and paring the problem down to key conditions & constraints which generate the conflict.
We tend to latch onto earlier conversations as if they always remain relevant in the present because they were important in the past. Yet this is rarely the case in the modern workplace.
Situations move continuously in small, everyday increments, and overtime there are significant phase shifts that evolve new contexts.
Weeks 9 -12
Actions lead to solutions
Solutions emerge from choices taken, not consensus around a particular narrative.
Many teams get stuck thinking that the perfect solution arises only from perfect explanations. We have been told this is how science works.
However, science is the retrospective “filling in the explanatory blanks” after many experimental attempts. A theory is proved from a set of evolving hypotheses that shape it into greater perfection.
Understanding the choices that are already operating in the situation is more productive of solutions than reaching for perfect explanation.
Good sensemaking practices involve creative ways to “out the choices” and redirect your team’s energies toward taking them seriously.
Tools to improve learning outcomes
Our workbook. Your workout.
Kanban Style Collaborative Tracking
Self-assessments with Sensemaking Tools

Who is this course for?
This course is for decision makers at all levels of an organization. It is designed for people who are change agents and innovation officers, and those in key positions such as
Chief Learning Officers
Human Resource Managers
Innovation Teams
Agile Coaches
Start-up Founders
What will I learn?
How to apply protocol-thinking to complex problems
How protocol-thinking can bring clarity to situations
How protocol-thinking can reveal solutions that were hidden in plain sight
How to build better sensemaking practices
How much time will I need to spend?
12 live (recorded) sessions @ 90 minutes = 18 hrs
12 work sessions with your triad @ 60 minutes = 12 hrs
12 course resource docs to read @ 30 minutes = 6 hrs
Approximately 4 hours individual reflection = 4 hrs
Total = 40 hours
“We look into the future and see a better world where people love what they do and flourish at work.”
Camaraderie and respect for each other
Delightful user experience- products that people love and are happy to pay for
Release complexity through mindful simplexity
Love what you do and do what you love
Learning to become better people, together