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If you are looking for sensemaking apps, or interested in more information about sensemaking profiles we have available, please contact me: Bonnitta Roy
About the TAP Profile
The TAP Profile gives teams a way to visualize the ways they relate together to "become a team." When used to track team dynamics over time, TAP helps teams avoid inertia and become more confident in experimenting, innovation and "safe to fail" risk taking. Performance potential scales when people become both more confident in advocating for their own positions, as well as being supportive of the positions held by others. As a result, teams "level up" in performance and grow in potential.
What is the best way to use the TAP Profile ?
The best way to use the TAP Profile is to survey teams at multiple times during the year, to enable teams to have more open conversations around the shifting patterns they observe in the survey results. Teams will learn to spot changes in context that they are tuning into on an intuitive or subconscious level, or to identify early signs of incoherence in their ways of interpreting their collective situation. TAP is also a good tool to identify emergent leadership in individuals or groups.
TAP Profile also enables you to shift people around into teams whose dynamics will be more precisely suited to different kinds of projects.
Why is TAP better?
While other kinds of surveys can measure raw performance after the fact, our TAP Profile visualizes patterns that indicate early on when teams are on the verge of incoherence, or on the verge of entering peak performance states, enabling you to make course corrections or shift into higher gear faster and in smarter ways.
About the ARC Profile
The ARC Profile shows you how people make sense of the organization as a whole. It enables you to see the different ways that people think about change, what cues they are focused on, and what trends they are prioritizing. Some surveys confirm broad alignment on a single strategic direction, but others show that the organization is tracking an array of multiple futures. ARC enables you to identify the different mindsets people have about the future direction of the organization. It can show which of the three key ways people orient themselves when thinking about strategic choice.
What is the best way to use the ARC Profile?
The best way to use the ARC Profile is with leaders who are considering questions of strategy and change at the organizational level. If you are developing leadership teams, or moving toward shared leadership, ARC can track changes in meaning-making over time as individual leaders shift away from acting as independent contributors who collect and aggregate information in order to persuade people, towards collective visioning, co-creation and other emergent forms of collective intelligence.
Why is ARC better?
While other kinds of surveys can spot global and general trends that people are consciously tracking, our ARC Profile can identify important local trends that people are intuiting at earlier stages, giving you a head start to prepare, allowing you to change direction earlier and in smarter ways.
About the APP Profile
The APP survey profiles what matters most to people when they are at work. It allows you to respond to patterns of ill-being early on, and to reinforce patterns of well-being in a more natural, ongoing manner. APP is a mutli-dimensional assessment of how people experience their work life. When reflecting on their results, people gain their own insights into relational engagement and collective action. As a result, people begin to open up to and participate in conversations around what matters most to them. The very human dimensions of our work experience, which rarely surface in conventional surveys, becomes a catalyst for reflexive inquiry, creating virtuous cycles of learning.
What is the best way to use the APP Profile?
Ongoing surveys that track changes over time, supported by shared reflections, is the best way to use the APP Profile. When employees see patterns in themselves and their teams, they are able to reflect on what is working or not working, before situations become too complicated to interpret clearly, or too far along to successfully intervene.
Why is APP better?
When other kinds of surveys ask people to self-report on how they feel, people tend to answer with their generalized intellect, hence subverting deeper meaning-making processes. Our APP survey is able to get to the implicit, tacit, and oftentimes unconscious values that are actually driving human behavior. It's easy, intuitive and non-judgmental format, enables people to reflect on core values more deeply and share their reflections with others more confidently.